AutumnCare Blog: insights on Residential Aged Care and Home Care

AutumnCare News

Handover goes Mobile!

Handover is available now with the latest update to our mobile app, AutumnCare Mobile 2023.

Aged care software

Aged care software implementation

AutumnCare has a tried and tested implementation process. Here are our six steps to a successful aged care software implementation!

Aged care software

Best uses for a mobile app in care delivery

Point of care access to information is essential to the delivery of top quality clinical care. Mobile apps can help providers achieve better outcomes.

Aged care software

What is a Training Needs Analysis?

Find out more about the Training Needs Analysis service AutumnCare offers to help clients maximise the use of their Clinical Management System.

Aged care software

Monthly Care Statements

AutumnCare is monitoring Monthly Care Statements in order to assist customers with future operational requirements.

Aged care software

Managing NQIP

Our software can assist Residential Aged Care providers in gathering quality data for reporting on NQIP.

Aged care software

Managing AN-ACC

Managing funding involves correctly documenting a residents care and monitoring when they are due for reclassification. Here's how AutumnCare can...

Aged care software

Leisure and lifestyle trends

Australia's ageing population is leading to a shift in the way aged care facilities are run. Find out what the latest leisure and lifestyle trends...