Aged care software

Leisure and lifestyle trends

Australia's ageing population is leading to a shift in the way aged care facilities are run. Find out what the latest leisure and lifestyle trends are!

Leisure and Lifestyle trends in Aged Care 

The latest leisure and lifestyle trends in Aged Care focus on giving resident’s the opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest.

The goal is to allow residents to continue participating in hobbies and interests they enjoyed prior to moving to an Aged Care facility.

These days more and more Australian seniors are living longer, healthier lives. 

Aged Care facilities are stepping up their game when it comes to offering truly engaging activities for residents. 

Walking groups

One of the simplest and most effective ways to stay active and connected with others is by joining a walking group. 

These days, many facilities offer regular walking groups complete with scenic routes and social activities along the way.

Walking is a great way to get some exercise, fresh air and social interaction all in one.


Technology classes

Many seniors are increasingly turning to technology to stay connected with family and friends.

As a result, facilities are offering regular classes on how to use popular devices like smartphones, laptops and tablets. 

These classes help seniors stay up-to-date with the latest technology, stay connected with loved ones and access information of interest to them online.


Gardening club

For many people, gardening is a therapeutic and relaxing activity. 

It is a great way to get some exercise, fresh air and sunshine, all while surrounded by beautiful plants and flowers.

This is why gardening clubs are another popular choice for Aged Care facilities. 

 These clubs provide a chance for seniors to socialise with others who share their passion and learn tips from one another. 


Music therapy

Music is a powerful source of joy and comfort, making music therapy an incredibly effective way to improve the lives of residents.

Music therapy can help seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease by stimulating their memories and emotions.

It can also help to reduce anxiety, stress and depression in some cases.


Pets for companionship

Pets can provide people with companionship, love and a sense of purpose. 

Pet-friendly amenities and activities are popular, including dog walking groups, cat cafes and resident pets living at the facility.

This allows residents to enjoy the company of a furry friend.

These are just a few of the latest leisure and lifestyle trends in aged care. 

By offering activities that are fun, engaging and social, residents are given the opportunity to enjoy more holistic and rounded lives in residential care. 


AutumnCare is an aged care software provider based in Western Australia. We specialise in the management of clinical data through industry best practice forms. Get in touch with us today if you'd like to find out more about how we can help you.

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