Quality & Security Policies

Quality Policy

AutumnCare is committed to the satisfaction of our customers through the delivery of high-quality software and customer service. We have chosen to do this in a structured, process-based manner through the implementation of our quality management system, certified to ISO 9001. The scope of our QMS is the “Provision of digital platforms and workforce management systems that support compliance for the health, social care and private sector.”

Click here to view our ISO 9001 Certificate (opens as a PDF in a new tab).

We are committed to the maintenance and continual improvement of the business and the quality management system. We have set formal objectives for us to achieve and monitor our performance to ensure above all else a high level of Customer satisfaction, which is measured, reviewed, and considered a critical success measure.

AutumnCare aims to secure the future success of the business by investing in our employees, providing the necessary resources, and using best practice to drive improvement. We monitor our performance through KPIs and seek feedback to ensure customer satisfaction during and after service delivery.


Information Security Policy 

AutumnCare operates and maintains an Information Security Management System (ISMS) that is compliant with ISO 27001.

AutumnCare is committed to ensuring that we identify, understand, and satisfy requirements from our interested parties, including our customers, suppliers, regulators and other stakeholders while empowering our employees to manage risk in their duties in line with the requirements of the ISMS. We design our software with security and privacy as a core input requirement.

The scope of our ISMS is the "Provision of digital platforms and workforce management systems that support compliance for the health, social care and private sector."

This ISMS provides us with a framework to set, monitor and achieve our security objectives, which at their core is to ensure the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of data and information systems under our care.

Our ISMS enables us to ensure the development and maintenance of appropriate policies and procedures to ensure effect risk management. Our ISMS is a live system, adaptable and responsive to an ever-changing threat landscape, and one to which we commit to continually improve. 

Click here to view our ISO 27001 Certificate (opens as a PDF in a new tab).