During this time of tumultuous change in aged care, many service providers are experiencing high rates of staff turnover.
When staff turnover rapidly occurs, it can lead to a loss of knowledge and skills around systems and processes, particularly when a handover to new team members does not take place.
This can lead to team members being unaware that they may not be using all the features and functions of their Clinical Management System effectively.
Essential data relating to the safe and effective care of residents may not be captured, or may not be used in the most efficient manner.
Inefficient workflows may result in poor usage of time, and most importantly, residents may be at risk of harm if their specific care needs and preferences are not being addressed in a timely manner.

*Statistics collected from the CompliSpace Aged Care Workforce Report 2022.
So, what can you do to bridge gaps in your team's knowledge and skills?
The AutumnCare training team can assist your organisation to identify if your clinical management system is being utilised to its maximum potential by conducting a Training Needs Analysis, followed by a Process Review workshop and Action Plan.

So, how does a Training Needs Analysis work?
The first part of this service involves an audit of your team's current usage of the functions and features of your AutumnCare database by an AutumnCare Training Consultant.
The functions and features audited include:
- User and People Management
- Permissions and Access
- Progress Notes
- Reports
- Global Form Usage
- Forms and Assessments
- Agreed Care and Service Plans
- Agreed Care and Service Plan Reviews
- Appointments
- Messaging and Tasks
- Dashboard
- Medicate etc.
The findings of the audit are recorded in a Training Needs Analysis document which is forwarded to the organisation to review.
An Action Plan is also provided which may include recommendations such as a review of current processes and permissions as well as suggested training to maximise the team's functionality and usage of AutumnCare features.

The second part of this service involves two to three workshops facilitated by an AutumnCare Training Consultant.
The findings of the Training Needs Analysis and the corresponding Action Plan are discussed with the organisation's senior clinical decision makers.
This ensures that processes can be reviewed and altered if applicable and adjustments to permissions and access to features can be determined.
If further training is required...
Training recommendations for relevant staff groups are also discussed during the Process Review Workshops that follow the completion of a Training Needs Analysis.
Examples of recommended training methods may include:
- AutumnCare eLearning
- In-house toolbox training sessions which focus on ensuring staff are aware of organisational processes
- Face to face training (can be conducted remotely or on-site)
Often, simple refresher training using the AutumnCare eLearning and a few minor modifications to the organisation's processes provide very positive outcomes.

Other services available to AutumnCare clients
The Training Needs Analysis and Process Review workshop are just a couple of the many services available to AutumnCare clients.
Please contact us for further information about our training options!
We are always happy to assist clients to get the most out of their Clinical Management System.
This allows you to focus on what you do best, achieving quality outcomes for your residents.