AutumnCare is now able to fully integrate with PainChek.
About PainChek
PainChek is a fully mobile, clinically validated and regulated app that uses AI, facial recognition and data analytics to automate the pain assessment process.
Over 800 providers use PainChek to accurately assess pain in their facility, making it the most common clinical software in Australian aged care facilities.
About our integration
Our new integrations means that all pain assessments are automatically uploaded to AutumnCare in real-time.
This eliminates the double handling of data and gives critical time back to your clinical staff.
Apply for a PainChek licence
A fully-funded 12-month PainChek licence is available for all Australian Residential Aged Care providers as part of a Federal Government initiative into innovation in aged care.
Applications and further information can be found on the PainChek website.
Ready to integrate?
If you have PainChek in use at your facility we can integrate this with your AutumnCare system.
Contact us by emailing or phoning 1800 987 870.
AutumnCare is an aged care software provider based in Western Australia. We specialise in the management of clinical data through industry best practice forms. Get in touch with us today if you'd like to find out more about how we can help you.