Schedule your NQIP update now
AutumnCare is helping you to report on the following additional quality indicators
Activities of Daily Living
AutumnCare will collect this data from your existing ADL assessments for Continence, Diet, Mobility and Personal Hygiene, OR the Barthel Index of Daily Living
Incontinence Care
AutumnCare will collect this data from the Wound Assessment and Care Plan, particularly the fields: Type of wound, IAD category and Where was the injury acquired
AutumnCare will collect this data from the Hospital Transfer Form, particularly the fields: Date of transfer, Time of transfer and whether this was a planned or emergency transfer
Reporting made simple
Using the inbuilt AutumnCare messaging system, AutumnCare will message a CSV file to nominated staff at the end of each month.
This will contain individual resident data for each quality indicator.
We will send a message at the end of each month, rather than after the quarter is closed. This allows managers to review the progress of each indicator.